당신의 삶에 스쳐 지나간 모든 인연들...(Every encounter that has gently brushed across your life.)



당신의 삶에 스쳐 지나간 모든 인연들은
결코 우연이 아닙니다.

어쩌면 그것은 운명이었을지도 모릅니다.
잠깐의 마주침이었든, 오랜 인연이었든
모든 만남에는 특별한 의미가 담겨있죠.

누군가는 당신에게 깊은 깨달음을 주기 위해,
또 다른 누군가는 당신을 더 강한 사람으로 만들기 위해,
그리고 어떤 이는 당신의 삶에 따뜻한 위로가 되기 위해
당신의 길을 교차했을 것입니다.

그래서 우리는 믿습니다.
이 세상의 모든 만남에는 신비로운 이유가 있다는 것을.
당신이 지금 마주한 그 인연도
분명 특별한 목적으로 보내진 선물일 것입니다.

그러니 두려워하지 마세요.
당신의 길에서 만나는 모든 사람들은
당신의 인생을 더욱 빛나게 만들어줄
소중한 존재들이니까요.

지금 이 순간에도,
당신의 삶을 더욱 아름답게 물들일
새로운 인연이 어딘가에서
당신을 향해 걸어오고 있을지도 모릅니다.


- Raphaelle.




Every encounter that has gently brushed across your life
Is never merely a coincidence.


Perhaps it was destiny, whispering softly.
Whether a fleeting moment or a lasting connection,
Every meeting carries a profound meaning.


Some may have crossed your path
To gift you with deep enlightenment,
Another to forge you into a stronger being,
And some, to offer warm comfort in your journey.


We believe in this truth :
Every encounter in this world holds a mysterious reason.

The connection you face right now
Is surely a gift sent with a special purpose.


So do not be afraid.
Every person you meet on your path
Are precious beings
Who will illuminate your life even brighter.


Even in this very moment,
A new connection might be walking towards you somewhere,
Ready to color your life
With even more beautiful hues.


- Raphaelle.



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