당신을 위한 희망의 메시지(A message of hope for you.)



때로는 우리의 마음이
깊은 어둠 속에 잠겨있을 때가 있습니다.

고요한 밤하늘 아래
혼자만의 시간을 보내며
무거운 마음을 안고 있진 않으신가요?

하지만 기억해주세요.

이 네 글자가 전하는 깊은 의미를...

Hold - 잠시 멈추어 숨을 고르세요.
On - 그리고 계속해서 나아가세요.
Pain - 당신이 느끼는 이 아픔도
Ends - 반드시 끝이 있습니다.

마치 달빛이 어둠을 밝히듯
당신의 마음도 곧 밝아질 것입니다.

지금은 힘들어도
이 순간이 지나가면
더 강한 당신이 되어있을 거예요.

누군가는 말합니다.
가장 어두운 밤이
새벽이 가장 가까운 순간이라고...

당신의 고통도
끝이 보이지 않는 터널 같겠지만
조금만 더 견디어 주세요.

희망이라는 빛이
저 앞에서 당신을 기다리고 있으니까요.

당신은 결코 혼자가 아닙니다.
이 글을 읽는 지금 이 순간에도
누군가는 당신의 행복을 응원하고 있습니다.

희망을 놓지 마세요.
당신의 이야기는 여기서 끝나지 않습니다.
더 아름다운 내일이
당신을 기다리고 있을 테니까요.


- Raphaelle.



A message of hope for you.

Sometimes our hearts sink into
The depths of profound darkness,


Under the silent night sky
Spending moments alone
Carrying the weight of a heavy heart.


But remember,


The profound meaning these four letters convey...


Hold - Pause and catch your breath

On - And continue moving forward

Pain - The ache you're experiencing

Ends - Will surely come to an end


Just as moonlight illuminates the darkness
Your heart will soon brighten too.


Though times are difficult now
When this moment passes

You'll become an even stronger version of yourself.


Some say
The darkest night
Is the moment closest to dawn...


Your suffering might feel
Like an endless tunnel
But please endure just a little more.


For hope's light
Awaits you ahead.


You are never alone.
Even as you read these words
Someone is cheering for your happiness.


Don't let go of hope.
Your story doesn't end here.

A more beautiful tomorrow
Is waiting for you.


- Raphaelle.



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