외로워지더라도 자신의 가치를 알아야 합니다.(Know your worth, even if it gets lonely.)



고요한 새벽처럼 시작하는 편지.(A letter that begins like a quiet dawn.)

친애하는 당신에게,

외로움이 찾아오는 순간에도
당신의 가치는 여전히 빛납니다.

마치 어둠 속에서도
제 빛을 잃지 않는 별처럼...

때론 홀로 걷는 길이
가장 올바른 길일 수 있습니다.

그 고독이 무거울 때면
이 말을 기억하세요.

"당신의 가치는
누군가의 존재 여부로
결정되지 않습니다."

외로운 순간들은
당신이 얼마나 용감한지를
보여주는 증거이며,

자신의 가치를 지키기 위해
선택한 소중한 시간입니다.

당신의 존재 자체로
이미 충분히 아름답습니다.

그 가치는 영원히
변함없이 빛날 것입니다.


- Raphaelle.



A letter that begins like a quiet dawn.

Dear, You.


Even in moments when loneliness finds you,
Your worth shines just as bright.


Like a star that never loses its glow
Even in the darkest night...


Sometimes the path you walk alone
May be the truest road of all.


When that solitude weighs heavy,
Remember these words:


"Your value is not determined
By the presence or absence
Of another soul."


These lonely moments
Are testament to your courage,
A precious time chosen
To preserve your sacred worth.


You are beautiful,
Complete in your very being.


Your light will forever shine,
Unchanging and eternal.


- Raphaelle.



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